Sunday, January 10, 2016

Human Genome Project

How The Thought Began
In the 1980s, decoding the human genome was discussed in academic circle, and the Department of Energy (DOE) was interested in obtaining data to protect gene from radiation, i.e. how radiation-caused genetic mutation be avoided. Funding was approved by Congress in 1988 for the two agencies, National Institute of Health (NIH) and DOE to head up the task, and the Human Genome Project (HGP) was born in 1990.

Original Purpose: Establishing Genome Knowledge of a "Hypothetical" Human 
The original goal of the Human Genome Project (HGP) was to create a resource of reference genome that represents humanity, since the gene information is from more than one person to form this big gene library. Although the library represents a hypothetical human, the determination of the DNA sequence of the entire human genome is still beneficial because the variance to a real human would be statistically small. After identification of all the genes in the human genome, this project established an important baseline that was previously non-existent and created a foundation to be build upon to benefit other areas of research.

Opening Possibilities
HGP has made it possible to identify protein coding, disease coding, deeper understanding of cancer, tracing outbreaks, etc.. HGP enables more targeted research. HGP also makes it possible to sequence a person's gene. By combining the knowledge, it becomes easier to identify and possibly treat rare genetic diseases.
Agriculture and livestock could now be bred so that they become stronger and more resistant. Other examples of benefits include medicinal purposes. Molecular medicine will allow quicker and more detailed tests by using gene therapy. These tests relating to gene therapy will be useful in replacing defective genes in humans.



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